Privacy Policy

The online store undertakes to protect the confidentiality of personal data and the privacy of online shop users in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette No. 86/2004). The collected personal data will be used exclusively for the fulfillment of the services we offer, provision of the information material, offers, receipts and other necessary communications. We respect the confidentiality of personal information and the privacy of online shop users, so we will do everything we can to protect them against any violations and abuses. Personal data of users are one of the subjects to which we pay great care and attention, as we are aware of their sensitive nature.


The Armanov Ltd AML Policy is designed to prevent money laundering by meeting the Slovenian and EU AML legislation obligations including the need to have adequate systems and controls in place to mitigate the risk of the firm being used to facilitate financial crime. This AML Policy sets out the minimum standards which must be complied with and includes:

The appointment of a Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) who has sufficient level of seniority and independence and who has responsibility for oversight of compliance with relevant legislation, regulations, rules and industry guidance;

Establishing and maintaining a Risk Based Approach (RBA) towards assessing and managing the money laundering and terrorist financing risks to the company;

Establishing and maintaining risk-based customer due diligence, identification, verification and know your customer (KYC) procedures, including enhanced due diligence for those customers presenting higher risk, such as Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs);

Establishing and maintaining risk based systems and procedures to monitor on-going customer activity;

Procedures for reporting suspicious activity internally and to the relevant law enforcement authorities as appropriate;

The maintenance of appropriate records for the minimum prescribed periods;

Training and awareness for all relevant employees.